A nourishing advent calendar with 24 daily prompts to help boost your wellness this festive season

It’s almost Christmas time!

Time to be merry and bright, filled with moments of giving and receiving, cosying up with festive films, and indulging in mince pies and sweet treats.

The excitement is contagious, and the fun is endless.

As wonderful and magical as this time of the year is, it can also bring about a feeling of overwhelm. Overconsumption is on the festive menu, whether it's food, shopping, or social events. As we dive into the holiday season, it's important to find balance and approach this busy time with mindfulness, so we can fully enjoy the festivities without feeling drained.

The festive period can be a difficult time for so many. I thought that it might be helpful to share a few of my favourite tricks I have in my toolbox that I use to navigate my way through the season with a couple of things that aren’t up for debate and are non-negotiable.

Non-negotiables are those healthy habits that you have developed in the last year that make you feel good, allow you to be your most radiant self, and feel energised. With a good idea of my non-negotiables I get to enjoy myself, while still getting my much-needed R&R. This allows me to hit January fresh faced and ready for a new year of possibilities.

If you are anything like how I used to be, come Christmas day you will either be completely shattered or ill.   I used to have a tendency to give my all to everything and everyone in the run-up to Christmas and, in the process, burn myself out.

As a mum I am at the heart of the family, they all rely on me being my healthiest self. Therefore it is essential to prioritise nutrition and wellness during the festive period. This can be done by focusing on fueling with nutrient-rich nourishing foods. As well as making time for mindful moments to aid stress management and appreciate the magic of simple moments.

So to inspire you to take care of yourself this festive season, I am going to share my 24 daily nourishing practices for you to be able to join in with me through December. Think of this as your wellness advent calendar that will support a joyous festive season ahead.

Here are 24 festive wellness prompts to support you in taking care of yourself through December and up to 25th December, Christmas day. Either print the prompts out and create an advent calendar with them (this is what I used to do) or visit this journal daily to see what the prompt for the day is. Most of the activities take a few minutes to 15 minutes. Some are slightly longer in time to complete. If you simply can not carve out time in your day for the longer ideas, then revisit them on a day you do have more available self care time. However, you will find that many of the nourishing practices slot easily into your everyday routine, therefore not giving you any additional stress!

** A little food for thought, you may find that you notice some benefits from the healthy nourishing habits and want to expand on them to create sustainable habits around them.

1st December

List 3 things you are grateful for either in a notebook or out loud.

Gratitude is amazing for developing a positive mindset and is associated with many mental and physical health benefits.

2nd December

Make yourself a hot cacao full of energy supporting magnesium and iron. Enjoy it under a warm blanket.

My favourite simple recipe is:

1 cup heated milk (I use a milk frother that also heats)

1 tbsp cacao

1 tsp honey or maple syrup

Pinch of cinnamon

Collagen powder (optional)

3rd December

Be mindful of eating more plants today. Aim to eat 6-8 colourful plants. Getting more fruit and vegetables into our diet is one of the best ways to support optimal health. Not only are plants full of important vitamins and minerals they are also very important for enhancing our gut microbiome and therefore our immune system.

4th December

It’s ok to say no. Set your boundaries.

This is key when life is busy and can help you stay sane during the “silly season”. I have learned to be super honest and let people know when something is just too much. I often suggest that we make plans in the new year, this means spreading out the fun and having even more to look forward to post Christmas and New Year.

A good place to start with boundary setting is to identify what exactly feels overwhelming and also what doesn’t feel good for you.

5th December

Make a seasonal superfood smoothie packed with vitamins and minerals to support your festive inner radiance and your liver.

A favourite smoothie recipe of mine is:

1 cup coconut water

1/2 cup frozen berries

1 medium beetroot cooked and peeled

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp hemp seeds sprinkled on top

6th December

Focus on hydration from within with 1.5-2 litres of water (this can vary with your activity levels and exercise routine etc). A little tip, caffeine or alcoholic drinks are diuretics so try to have a glass of water with these additionally. Not a water fan? Try a therapeutic herbal tea instead.

7th December

Make yourself a warm nourishing luxurious bath.

I love to create a magnesium bath using magnesium salts. Magnesium salts can help to aid relaxation of the muscles, help sleep, and unwind the mind. Bliss.

8th December

Batch cook the next day’s lunch by making an extra portion of dinner. I find this such a win the next day as I know I have something nourishing to eat for lunch that is already made. When I’m hungry and I reach into the fridge and pull it out, it feels like a hug. By futureproofing myself I have given myself the ultimate act of self care when busy, a nourishing meal of goodness.

9th December

Wake up 20 minutes earlier than the rest of the house.

This allows space to savor a warm cup of tea and a quiet house. Allow your mind to daydream, to wander. No technology. Nothing. Just you and your tea.

10th December

Get into bed 30 minutes earlier than normal and read your book (extra brownie points if it’s a festive Christmas read) to help you unwind before sleep.

11th December

Start the morning with a brain dump. Write a page of whatever comes to the top of your head, literally whatever, just write and free your mind.

12th December

Go for a 30-minute walk in your neighborhood and take in the festive sights.

13th December

Make a conscious effort to make your meals balanced using the balanced plate method helping to support energy levels. The Balanced Plate Method is a simple way to ensure that you're eating a balanced and nutritious meal. It involves dividing your plate into three sections:

  1. 1/2 should be filled with vegetables (like leafy greens, broccoli etc).

  2. 1/4 with lean protein (such as chicken, tofu, fish, or beans).

  3. 1/4 with whole grains or complex carbohydrates (like quinoa, sweet potatoes, or brown rice).

Eating in this way helps you to get a variety of much needed nutrients. The Balanced Plate Method also helps you to naturally control portion sizes, manage blood sugar levels, and support overall health, making it easier to function optimally over the festive period.

14th December

Experiment with a new winter wholefood festive recipe, making something mouthwatering while being fully immersed in the practice of cooking.

15th December

Catch up and reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Either send a message or phone them. Check in on people. Forgive and move forward. Send Christmas wishes. Let them know you are thinking of them.

16th December

Make yourself a gut healthy mocktail in a fancy cocktail glass.

My favourite non-alcoholic drink is:

Pomegranate juice

Ginger kombucha

Frozen berries as ice cubes


17th December

Wear a bright colour.

Notice how this impacts your mood and energy. I find bright colours boost my energy levels while making those around me smile. Especially bright pink or red.

18th December

Reduce refined snack consumption and prepare a healthy festive snack for yourself.

As a deliciously healthy festive snack, I love clementine segments dipped in dark chocolate coated in ground brazil nuts and pistachios. So delicious.

19th December

Put on your favourite Christmas song and really go for it singing it out loud (dancing optional).

Singing helps to stimulate the vagus nerve which helps to switch the body into the parasympathetic nervous system and “rest and digest”.

20th December

Try a new selfcare activity - a face mask, body scrub or a new nail varnish colour.

Do something nice for yourself.

21st December

Delay your first coffee until you have had a glass of water and some breakfast.

Coffee on an empty stomach can impact the digestive system while impacting the effect of caffeine on anxiety.

22nd December

Have a digital detox day.

Reduce the noise, and the overstimulation and allow the mind to quieten.

23rd December

Practice mindful eating.

Listen to your hunger and fullness cues. Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls. Eat until you are 80% full. Allow your brain to register you are full.

24th December
Eat a healthy balanced breakfast that is protein rich.

This will have a positive impact on supporting blood sugar balance for the rest of the day.

I really hope that you enjoy this wellness advent calendar. Please share your nourishing daily activities with me over on Instagram Katiejensonhullnutrition. I’d love to see and share your nourishing festive wellness moments.

Stay nourished my friends. Keep grounded. Keep well. And have lots of Vitamin joy.

Sending warm seasonal festive vibes,

Katie xx

You may also enjoy reading tips to thrive during the festive period.


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