Mindset to live by …

“Every day is a fresh start”

Optimal health and wellness to me is …

“A mixture of feeling good inside and out with plenty of vitality that empowers me to thrive in my everyday life. Having all the energy to do the things I need to do AND the things I love. While futureproofing myself for later in life.”

We all have a story to tell and this is mine

I had a very idyllic childhood and was lucky for this, we lived in the city however,  I spent most of it outside in nature making concoctions from petals and herbs. Making friends with the little creatures around me. My mum taught me from an early age how to cook with the seasons and create seasonal nourishing home cooked food.  We would even be be taken to the seaside to convalesce.

In my 20s, I suffered from a blood clot in my brain, which I was fortunate to recover from. This life-defining event caused a major shift in my life and I became a much more intuitive person. I also became more aware of what I was placing in my body and the lifestyle choices I made. I believe that my health issues were a positive event in my life as I shifted direction away from gaining a politics degree to becoming a spa therapist and facialist instead. I wanted to dedicate my career to helping people feel better and make a positive difference in their day. 

After I became a mother I was able to step back and reflect on where I was in my life. My busy and very hectic lifestyle in London had caught up with me, and eventually resulted in an inflamed Thyroid. While recovering from this the opportunity presented itself for me to follow my dream to study nutrition. I studied at the prestigious College of Naturopathic Medicine for 3 years where I gained a diploma in Nutritional Therapy. During my time studying, I became my own guinea pig, re-balancing my systems, recovering from my inflamed thyroid, and supporting my hormones and digestive system through nutrition and lifestyle. I am a perpetual learner and subsequently went on to complete a BSc degree in Nutritional Therapy from the Institute for Optimal Nutrition.

I love nothing more than on the weekends going to our local farm shops. Gathering seasonal supplies and then returning home to my kitchen where I cook and create wholesome food for gatherings with my nearest and dearest. 

I embrace life and all it brings. When I am not working you will find me on my yoga mat or enjoying nature. I ride the waves of life and enjoy each season as it comes. I am a little bit of a bookworm,  who loves the vibrancy and energy of cities. Travel plays a large role in my life and I retreat in the winter and surf in the summer.  I have learned that my nervous system needs country living, providing me with the grounding I crave.  Nature is my muse.

Social media is a great place to connect with others interested in nutrition and wellness. You will find me most active over on Instagram where I share regular inspiration on intentional seasonal living, nutrition, and recipes for busy home cooks. Do come and say hello @katiejensonhullnutrition.

Katie xx

My Core Values


A plant rich wholefood diet full of variety and colours is at the cornerstone of my philosophy.  It is my wish to inspire people to eat real foods.  Foods that are in their whole form and full of beneficial nutrients.  A wholefood diet is full of flavour and easy meals can be created with simple nourishing ingredients. My pantry is my best friend.  My mission is to make it your hidden secret to healthy eating too. A wholefood diet with the correct macro and micro nutrients helps to sustain your energy and support your overall glow.

Personalised and bespoke

You can’t put a square peg in a round hole so the saying goes. We are all unique.  We are all individuals.  There is no one the same as you.  Therefore my nutrition and lifestyle clinics and packages are all bespoke and tailored to you.  No one else, only you. You will always be your most radiant when you give your body what IT needs and wants.

Seasonal and slow living

Seasonal living is at the core of my vision. Living in tune with the seasons allows us to be present with the here and now. Our physical and mental needs change with the seasons, hence we need to alter our diet and lifestyle accordingly to nourish our mind, body and soul.


Life is for living and should be full of joy.  For changes to happen and for healthy habits to become life-long, a portion of balance needs to be maintained.  Balance is key for having a healthy mindful mindset with food. This is something that in some cases has to be learned. I wish for you to have a healthy relationship with food and yourself. I just want you to enjoy life and all it brings.  To be able to ride the waves that it throws at us with energy and determination.

I believe in adding to the diet rather than taking things away. Variety is the spice of life so they say. Eating a huge variety of seasonal foods and colours is so incredibly important for mind, body and soul.  Personally I don’t believe in cutting out whole food groups unless there is clear evidence to do so.  Clients often arrive at consultations expecting all sorts to be removed from their diets in their plans.  This isn’t always the case.  Sometimes an elimination diet may be necessary however, I like to work to add into the diet to support the body systems and the symptoms of the client.  Sometimes it is important to remove something from the diet in order for the body to repair and return to balance.  This doesn’t always have to be forever, depending on the individual case, it can be long enough for the body to return to optimal health.


We seem to have lost our way of being in tune with ourselves and have lost the ability to know how to live intuitively. I wish to empower you to be the expert in your body. You own it. You need to listen to your own body, it is unique. From listening you will find how it responds to being nourished and fed what it needs. My direction is one of promoting kindness and a healthy attitude towards food and body image.


We lead busy lives. The world is a busy place. For me, the antidote to this is to keep things simple. My recipes are fuss-free and often ready within 30 minutes. The ingredients I choose are uncomplicated. I understand that if a client is a mum she is usually time poor. She can’t be making one meal for herself and another for her family. That just wouldn’t work! Many of my recipes are tried and tested by little humans and given the thumbs up. Therefore hitting mum's nutritional needs with family approval.

Root cause

I want to know, what has brought the person in front of me today. What has led the person to be feeling this way. I’ve always had an investigative mind. One that sees the person as a whole. We all have our stories that have made us into the person we are today. I want to find out what is causing you to be feeling the symptoms you are so I know best how to help and support you.

Facts not fads

My approach is rooted in evidence based science. I am continually learning and keeping up to date with science as it evolves. I do not believe in fad diets I follow science.


Teaching you about ingredients, macro and micro nutrients and lifestyle factors is at the heart of what I do. I wish for you to understand what you are putting into your body and on, is information for the cells. My aim is for you to understand which foods are nutrient dense. I want to show you how to cook and eat in a way that optimises health and radiance from within.


My background in spas, wellness, and holistic therapies means that I see the whole person. This coupled with my naturopathic nutrition training allows me to factor in other influences of health such as lifestyle and wellbeing. Having a holistic approach allows me to create a clear picture of what exactly is going on for my clients.

Get in touch.

Please get in touch if you would like to work together.