Why you should be eating more mindfully

How we eat is just as important as what we eat. Eating mindfully allows us to be fully aware and mindful of our food. Therefore eating less, feeling fuller, reducing bloating and better digesting food.

When we are in a rush to eat or eating on the go we are in a state of fight or flight.  This means that our blood is directed away from the digestive system and towards our muscles ready for action. Eating mindfully allows our “rest and digest” state to be switched on therefore allowing our food to be better digested and nutrients absorbed.

The following are a few tips to get you started on eating mindfully: 

  • Eat at a table. Not at your desk though.  Make sure to be seated and not standing up.

  • Make meal times a technology-free zone. No phone, computer, TV, or screen.  This allows you to be fully present with your food.  Allowing you to register cues that you are full and satisfied,  It also means that you can be present and enjoy your meal.

  • Take a second or two to give thanks for the meal in front of you.

  • Take time to chew your food.   Chewing 10 times before swallowing helps your digestive system work and absorb all the nutrients from your food. Taking the time to chew will also mean you are aware of how much you are eating. Registering when you are full and knowing when to stop.

  • Play a game of the senses. How does the food feel in your mouth? What is the taste like? Inhale the smell of your plate of food, how does it make you feel?

  • Try and put your fork and knife down in between mouthfuls.  This will allow you to appreciate your food more and allow breaths in between mouthfuls.

  •  Before your meal take three deep breaths in through the nose. Hold. and breathe out through the mouth.

Katie xx


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