Gut healthy chicken broth recipe

Bone broth is super restorative for the body for many reasons. It can help to support the immune system, joint health, the skin, and digestive health to name a few.

Growing up I used to watch my mum make chicken stock after our Sunday roast dinners. Now it’s just something I automatically do myself. Boiling the chicken bone with a host of other nutrient dense ingredients. I make a large batch and place in the freezer for later dates. Bone broth is a wonderful and economical way of using up the whole chicken goodness.

Please note, only use Organic chicken where possible. This is because the bones of the chicken absorb any toxins. You could be digesting antibiotics, pesticides and fertilisers etc that have been given to the animal.


Whole chicken carcass and chicken bones

2 onions chopped

2 garlic clove chopped in half

2 bay leaves

3 litres filtered water

Fresh herbs - most herbs would be wonderful here. I used an extra large handful of parsley, rosemary and thyme.

2 sticks of celery chopped

1 leek chopped

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

You can also add any leftover veg you have from your roast dinner or that you have swimming around your fridge. The more the merrier! I like to add turnips and swede that is just sitting around and may not be used otherwise.


Place all the ingredients into a large saucepan. Bring to the boil on a high heat and reduce the heat once boiling to allow the liquid to simmer. Simmer for 2 hours with a lid on the pan.

You can use the broth to make one of my delicious wholesome soups such as my immune supporting fennel and carrot soup or my delicious chicken soup.


Katie x


Bone broth season: Two chicken broth recipes to nourish the body and soul


Carrot Pakoras recipe