How to be less them and more you: “The comparison cure” by Lucy Sheridan

This book should feature on everyone’s bookshelf that is on a self-help journey. "The Comparison Cure" by Lucy Sheridan is a guide to reclaiming yourself from the futility of comparison while embracing your own wonderful uniqueness.

Lucy is a comparison coach who helps people overcome the negative impacts of constantly comparing themselves to others and find their path to fulfillment. The book is a wonderful mixture of personal stories, great tips, and practical exercises all in aid of helping the reader understand what comparison is, why they are engaged in comparison, and importantly, how they can stop through a mindset shift of comparison to one of self-compassion and acceptance.

Key aspects

The book focuses on a 3 stage plan:

  1. Recognising comparison, and understanding who you are and what you want.

  2. How to start practicing a comparison free life while looking at self-confidence, your environment, and self-worth.

  3. Living comparison free and keeping your new habits alive.

The key topics explored in the book are:

  1. Comparison Trap.

  2. Self-Acceptance.

  3. Mindset Shifts. Lucy supports you in creating a mindset shift from comparison to an abundant mindset.

Favourite quotes

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

“Come home to yourself".”

“Open up your social media apps and browse the accounts that are dominating your feed right now. Would you invite these people, brands, and things to come to your house party?

“When we are clear on our own aligned values, we can work in congruence with them. This allows us not only to make plans, but make choices and decisions that resonate with our values, meaning we are less distracted or influenced by those of other people.”

“No pre-wee scrolling.”

“Your SMART goals do not have to be perfect, but they do have to be yours.”

“Boosting your self-confidence is a key step in ridding your life of comparison as it gives you agency over your actions and ownership of your thoughts and behaviour. It allows you to leverage your own resources, no matter how plentiful or scarce they happen to be, and it ultimately allows you the impetus to use your inner power to work towards what is important to you. Without self-confidence, words go unsaid, ideas undeveloped, and your time is often spent on the wrong things, with the wrong people, because we feel too scared to make a change or we hope the change will magically make itself. This naturally leads to a growing sense of discontent and in those conditions, comparison thrives, and the vicious circle continues.”


I discovered this book through my own reflective practice and journey of personal development. It wasn’t that I was comparing myself to others as such, I had long worked on that and had made a conscious decision years ago to focus on my path in life not what those around me were doing. I was more focused on comparing myself to a version of me that was long gone. The book helped me to realise that we are very much on our own journey in life and that we need to move beyond toxic behaviours and reclaim ourselves through improved self-confidence. This book helped me accept my strengths and uniqueness.

I thought that the practical exercises were excellent and would recommend that you set aside time to concentrate and work through the book to make the most of them. I most liked the STOP, START, KEEP DOING, DO MORE, and START exercises under the focus chapter. This particular exercise supports you to look at your daily habits and routine to see where you spend time and what is/isn’t working for you.

Would I recommend this book?

Most definitely! I would say that this is one of the most recommended books that I tend to share with people. Once you let go of comparison you feel so much lighter and like a weight has lifted. You are free to go and make all your dreams a reality.




I’m just going to leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Theodore Roosevelt “Comparison is the thief of joy.” To break the cycle of comparison leads to a life where there is more joy and contentment. You are living in alignment with yourself and not allowing others to interfere with your inner peace or setting unobtainable and unrealistic standards.

“The Comparison Cure" is a valuable resource for anyone struggling with comparison and self-doubt. Lucy offers such a refreshing down to earth style of writing that is very relatable, you can feel her warmth in her words. I can personally say that the book empowered me to embrace my authenticity and take steps to live a more joyful life. The book provides an actionable template to support you in creating a comparison free life.

Have you read “The Comparison Cure”? What did you think? Do come and start a conversation over @theradiantnutritionist on social media.

Please always remember to seek help from a qualified therapist should you need support.

Much love,



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