Unlocking your power: Journey into the world of manifesting and visualization: The Source by Dr Tara Swart.

January book club pick

It was that time in-between Christmas and New Year and I was about to action my yearly vision board. I had just finished my Christmas read and was looking for something inspiring for my next read. I purchased this book as I have been on a bit of a  journey to feed my soul since the summer of 2023.  After years of studying, being rooted in science with work and with the juggle of motherhood and life curve balls I felt like I was losing the connection with my soul and what makes me human. 

I’ve read other books on Manifestation and the law of attraction and after listening to the author  Dr. Tara Swart on a podcast I wanted to find out more about her philosophy and how the brain works within this situation.  “The Source” by Tara Swart explores the connection between neuroscience and spiritual practices and explains the law of attraction through cognitive science.  She wished to see how much of “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne could be proven by science. 

Dr. Swart is a neuroscientist.  She has an interesting background, after leaving working in psychiatry and realising that she wanted a different path in life became a leadership coach and also lectures at MIT. Tara herself is a very fascinating woman, someone you would love to sit with a cup of tea and speak for hours with or would make an amazing dinner party guest. This shows through in her book and its chapters. Dr. Swart details how she has developed this way of thinking in her own life and within her career in a refreshingly non-judgemental way. For me what is interesting is how she combines scientific research with ancient wisdom to enable personal transformation and growth. 

Key aspects

  1. Introspection.  An area that I am hugely interested in as I feel many of us have lost the ability to “read” our own mind and body signals in this modern world. We do not know how to listen to or trust in our intuition.  Dr. Swart emphasises self discovery and she encourages readers to find their unique source of inspiration and joy that marry with their values and purpose.

  2. Neuroplasticity. This is the brain's ability to grow and change throughout life.  There is an interesting section about this topic, the brain and synapses.  Dr. Swart advocates acting in a way you want to behave until it becomes natural to you and the brain has formed new pathways for the behaviour. Basically, we have the ability to rewire and change our brain pathways. Which is very interesting and useful to know!

  3. Mindfulness. "The Source" provides many practical exercises and tools that readers can use to implement the ideas into their daily lives. These exercises enable the reader to become more mindful and embrace positive thinking. For example, the Action board.  So called due to the process involving taking actions rather than maybe simply looking aesthetically pleasing like a vision board.  Dr. Swart wishes you do something daily to move towards the action you want.

Favorite quotes

“We live in a world where logic is massively overrated, emotions are seen as a weakness, and decisions based on intuition have little or no place. We have forgotten where we came from.”

“Quite simply, when you do allow your brain to be conscious of and focus on what you want in life, the raised awareness that results will work in your favour to automatically bring opportunities into your life.”

“Our failures, or ‘not yets’, reframed in the context of  an abundant mindset and the power of neuroplasticity really do make us stronger if we take ownership of them…”

“We first need to be totally honest with ourselves. What do we really want out of life and why do we really want it?”

“In my opinion, the connection between overcoming trauma and building resilience is no coincidence.  Learning, early on, how to survive existential challenges…can lead to a strong internalised determination to thrive in spite of life’s unexpected challenges.”

“We need to counterbalance our own thinking and challenge our assumptions.”

“Neuroplasticity -, at its most positive, is the key to self-empowerment. It ensures that with effort, we can overcome deeply entrenched negative behaviours and modes of thinking, including addictive and destructive behaviours and relationship patterns.”


“The Source '' is a self help book, however, it is more than that as Dr. Swart explains through science how our brain has the power to shape our world and lives. Through the exercises, you can harness this power and use it to your advantage when making changes (and form new habits) rather than working against it.

I enjoyed using the practical exercises as a way of reflecting on where I am in my life. I personally journal daily and many of the exercises slotted into my practice. I especially loved doing the “know your ghosts, change your destiny” in the “switch off your autopilot section”.  Within this, I journaled about my role growing up, secrets, beliefs, values, and boundaries.

A practice that was relatively new for me was visualising, new as in I didn’t practice it much. I have since made a conscious effort to incorporate the practice more in my life. I have found that it has enhanced my self confidence by using visualisations of me achieving what I want. This has had a positive effect on my belief in my abilities and strengthened my resilience while reducing anxiety.

Would I recommend this book?

You will walk away with some amazing personal insights after reading this book.  You will also have a great practical toolbox to go forward and create new dreams and most importantly make them happen. “The source” would make an excellent gift for someone who would benefit from any of the topics discussed.  I will be purchasing it for anyone who is feeling stuck in their lives and wants to understand how to make changes to move forward.  The concise practical steps will be invaluable to supporting behaviour change. I will say that the reader needs to come with an open mind and set aside time within their schedule to work through the points.  These may take a while if you are new to the practices and are working on your self development and finding and trusting in your intuition.


Rating 4/5.

Would I recommend this book? YES! It would make an excellent book for anyone new to this idea and for those who are feeling a little lost and need a new direction and purpose in life. It is also a great read for those who want a take a fresh direction in life or looking to make some changes. The book is MUST read.


By far the best part of the book is the “why” behind how visualisation and vision boards work. It was fascinating to learn more about the science behind the brain and value tagging and selective attention. 

“The Source” may appeal to those who are more open minded and who are looking for a thought provoking read like I was. This should be a must read for those interested in personal growth or who want to learn more about the topics at hand.  I am sure you will take some valuable information away that will support you in getting to know yourself better to reach your dreams and goals in life. Therefore living a fulfilled life.

Have you read it? What did you think? I would love to know come find me over @katiejensonhull on socials.

Much love.

Katie xx


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