Mind-body-soul lessons learnt from 3 weeks travelling Bali

SOMETIMES THE BEST JOURNEYS ARE THE ONES THAT LEAD US BACK TO OURSELVES. And that is what happened to me in Bali. Now I am home it is important to remember what I have learned and create routines and habits within my daily, weekly, and monthly life that incorporate all I gained from my experience.

Before Bali, I had become drained. Family illness and the pressures of modern day living were beginning to take their toll on me mentally and physically. Having done my research before travelling, I knew that Bali was going to provide me with some soul searching time and time to feed myself. Before travelling I completed a wellness wheel in which you assess all areas of your life and see where needs more attention. I found that my spiritual side was completely lacking. With this in mind, I knew to create space on my trip to reconnect with my mind and soul. Needless to say, I left Bali with a mind full of memories and a heart full of gratitude.

Here are 5 things that I brought back from my Bali trip:

  1. Things do not make me happy

    When I was younger I was very materialistic. Everything was about what I had and the way I looked. I’ve been on a journey for the past 10 years or so breaking away from this and the culture in which I grew up. In some ways my love of nature and the seasons was born from my reaction to materialism and possessions. Looking for a simpler way of living. While in Bali I was reminded of the fact we need very little to be happy. I only had the bare essentials packed in my carry on backpack and my medium sized suitcase for our just under a month trip. I could not have been happier. I find that “stuff” often weighs me down, creating clutter physically and mentally.

  2. Gratitude

    I am a strong believer in gratitude and being thankful for all that I have. In an unsettling world, gratitude allows me to give thanks for all that I have. My health and that of my family and friends, my home, a safe and clean environment, food, water, and a career that I love. I made a promise to myself after recovering from a blood clot in my brain in my 20s that I would never become complacent and would always be thankful for the simple things in life. My trip to Bali allowed me to experience how the Balinese share a deep sense of gratitude. They give thanks daily with their offerings and I particularly love the way that they use prayer hands as a way of saying thank you or showing gratitude. I found myself returning thanks and praise using this gesture, in return feeling a deep sense of calm.

  3. The spa is my sanctuary

    As an ex-spa therapist, the spa has always been a sanctuary of mine. I only have to walk in one and I can instantly feel my blood pressure returning to normal and a feeling that I can once again breathe. I feel cocooned in a tranquil safe place. Modern-day living has meant that I haven’t spent as much time in a spa as I would like. However, on my trip, I had multiple weekly sessions in the most beautiful spas. Enjoying various massages, facials, sound baths, manicures, and pedicures, and learning about chakras and how to support my dominant chakra. I knew that the treatments were going to be remarkable as the Balinese are renowned for their spas, but they were far better than I anticipated. Now I am home I am keen to find somewhere that can offer me such a space here. I have learned that the spa is key to lowering my stress levels and helping me feel human. I have a massage booked for next month, even if I can only spare time out for 30 minutes, I am committed to scheduling the treatment and sticking to it. If I struggle to commit, I will close my eyes and breathe in the memories and the feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation that the treatments gave me, this should give me enough of a push to take a break!

4. Creativity is important

I am naturally a very creative person, which is why I love writing, photography, and recipe creation. They are my creative outlets away from the science aspect of nutrition. However, before we left for our trip I wasn’t allowing any time for creative pursuits as I had so many deadlines that I had to stick to. Once on the plane, I felt my creativity and inspiration returning, a fresh perspective ensuing. I started to work my way through “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. This book is a 12-week program to help help rediscover your passions and take the steps needed to be able to make the changes in your life. The program opens your eyes to nurturing practices that are important to you and to learn things about yourself and your work. Since returning I am still working my way through the book - once again life has taken hold - BUT I have been doing my weekly “artist dates” ie. doing things that inspire me and feed creativity. I have also (mostly) been sticking to my “morning pages” which have proved absolutely beneficial to getting everything off my chest and out of my brain first thing and ready to tackle the day.

5. Yoga is key

Wow, now this is one of the key things I have taken away from my trip. Yoga is everywhere in Bali and I enjoyed multiple sessions while there. Noticing how good it was making me feel. Yoga is the one exercise that I have always felt is very beneficial for me. I would practice it weekly at home following Youtube videos and I occasionally went to a yoga class, which I loved. However, I felt it was such a commitment out of my day and week to do as I would have to get to the studio as well as do the hour class. After my Bali experience, I realised that I needed to commit to incorporating Yoga into my life at home - no excuses. 2 months post trip, I joined my local yoga studio and I have been doing three or four yoga classes weekly. I have not felt this good for a long time! I am finding that I am much stronger physically and mentally. I am more focused. My skin is glowing. I have made a new community and friends. I have dropped a dress size (not that this was my reasoning for doing so). My hormones feel more in balance. Most importantly, my stress levels have decreased and I am sleeping soundly.

I am using this journal as an accountability partner. Now, you don’t necessarily need to go on a trip to Bali to discover all these things. Sometimes all we need to a fresh perspective and space for us to feel the feels and then explore these. In turn, opening up our world to that around us. Stepping out from within us and opening us up to new ideas and ways of doing things.

Much love

Katie xx


How I avoided Bali belly while travelling around Bali for over 3 weeks