The effect your sweet tooth may be having on your skin

We are all aware of sugar and its effects on the body. Research has demonstrated that too much sugar is the root cause of many diseases. But did you know that sugar could also be contributing to your skin, in particular, ageing?

If you have a diet that is high in sugars, particularly refined sugars, this can result in a process within the body called GLYCATION.

Glycation is a process where sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen and elastin and then form AGEs - glycation end products - which, as the name suggests, are damaging end products. These make what would be flexible proteins in the skin rigid and unable to regenerate. As AGEs accumulate, these result in wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity, and dullness in the skin. Meaning, the skin ages quicker!

Glycation also causes free radicals and oxidative stress, which can cause prematurely ageing skin. You may also be prone to inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea.

So what can we do:

  • Become more sugar aware and read the labels of your foods. What has added sugar? Think sauces, bread, soups, yoghurt, fizzy drinks, fruit juices. The higher up the list of ingredients sugar is, the higher the quantity contained.

  • Avoid refined carbohydrates, white bread, white pasta, and white rice. Look to eat wholemeal forms.

  • Look at what you are consuming as sugar and consider cutting down.

  • Consider more healthful swaps, for example, as a sweet treat have 70% dark chocolate instead of milk or white chocolate.

  • Try to stick to eating at meal times and not snack in between. Eating balanced adequate meals (unless there are health reasons to eat more frequently) to keep blood sugars steady.

I hope this journal is helpful to you.

Katie xx


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