Nutrient-dense grass-fed beef and liver bolognese recipe

Liver is incredibly nutrient dense and the original “superfood”. It is high in protein and rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, iron, and choline. Choline is an interesting compound that has many roles within the body. It is involved in many different processes such as cell membrane integrity, DNA synthesis, fat metabolism, and transport as well as a healthy nervous system. Choline is particularly important for postmenopausal women’s liver health. When cooking with liver, always choose organic or grass fed liver when possible to reduce exposure to excess toxins, pesticides, etc.

Serves 4


1 chopped onion

3 garlic cloves diced

liver blitzed to liquid

500g organic or grass fed mince beef

1 cup red wine

400g passata

400g tinned tomatoes

2 bayleaves

1/4 cup fresh thyme, parsley and rosemarry

30 ml soy sauce



To a pan add a little oil and gentley soften the onion and garlic. Add the beef and stir.

Add the liver, tomatoes and passata, soy sauce and red wine. Mix together.

Add the herbs and bay leaves and season to taste. Make sure all are combined.

Allow to simmer and cook for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Add a little beef stock if needed.

Serve with spaghetti, and honestly, the kids will never know their favourite dish has liver in it!


Katie xx


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