What does a Nutritionist buy every week while food shopping ?

While I was going about my weekly food shop, it occurred to me how it may prove useful for you if I share the regulars that I buy every week. A bit of inspiration if you are stuck in a rut.

Just as a way of introduction, I do not follow a set diet or a way of eating. I eat in a way that is biologically individual to me, i.e. I eat in a way that makes me feel good, glow inside out, and give me all the energy I need to live an energised life. If I had to define my way of eating I would say that it is based on a Mediterranean diet that is plant-forward and includes good quality meat and fish and is nutrient dense. I eat intuitively and follow the seasons, eating in a way that suits my nutritional needs.

Before constructing my weekly food shop list I will sit with a cuppa and write out my meal plan for the week ahead. Whilst doing this, I check my cupboards and I list all the items I need. This is such an important stage for me. Let me know if you would find a journal about how I go about this interesting.

Then it’s time to shop. Sometimes I do an online shop or where possible and time allowing, I go to the supermarket. Here are the items that I buy every week and why:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

I include a variety of seasonal colourful fruits and vegetables. I love to add a type I haven’t eaten in a while. This is easy when a new season starts, for example, asparagus season or berry season. Every week I select maybe five different fruits and roughly 10 different vegetables. However, I always include leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and swiss chard which are rich in nutrients like folate, magnesium, and vitamin B6. I also always include a couple of cruciferous vegetables, for example, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, or brussels sprouts for their hormone balancing properties. My weekly grocery trolley will also include, lemons which I use for dressings or in tea. Garlic and both red and white onions are home cooking staples for me and form the base of many of my dishes. Bananas are a fruit staple in my kitchen as they are used in smoothies, as a snack, or in homemade snacks to take to school and to have under my cake stand.


I add the basic proteins for the week to my trolley as we tend to visit our local farm shop also to purchase sustainable meat. I purchase legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, and lentils rich in fibre and a source of plant based proteins. I will also purchase organic meat in accordance with my weekly meal plan, these include chicken, turkey, lamb, or beef. I also pick up fish such as wild salmon or trout. Smoked salmon or smoked trout makes an excellent choice of protein for a balanced breakfast. My trolley will also include a source of tinned fish for easy and convenient lunches in the week. Think sardines or mackerel which are rich in healthy fats and omega-3, calcium, and vitamin D. Without a shadow of a doubt, I will pick up eggs. Eggs are nature’s multivitamin and are a great source of protein. They are a staple for savory breakfasts.

Whole Grains

I don’t tend to purchase whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, wholegrain bread/sourdough, and oats every week, just as we need to replenish the stock. However, there is often some form of wholegrain source in my trolley.

Dairy products

Organic Greek yogurt, whole milk, butter, and cheese feature weekly in my weekly grocery trolley. We have a dairy allergy in my house so not all of the items are consumed by everyone so I will also pick up coconut yogurt and kefir. I crave cheese a few times a week and love to top my dishes with a little, or should I be hungry, I will eat a portion as a protein and fat fuelled snack. Full fat Greek yogurt provides the base for my bircher muesli breakfasts and acts as a dessert with berries and seeds on top if I fancy something after dinner. Yogurt and kefir are a great source of probiotics and supportive of gut health.

Nuts and seeds

I will walk away from my food shop with a new nut or seed to add to or top up my collection. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseeds are good sources of healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. I make ground seeds as part of my weekly meal prep, following seed cycling where you consume different seeds at different stages of your monthly cycle to support hormonal balance. Ground seeds are an amazing way to get extra nutrients in the diet. I also love to make my own healthy Nutella with cacao and hazelnut or pumpkin seed butter.

Healthy fats

My grocery trolley will always include a range of healthy fats. Oily fish like those mentioned above and also avocados which are a great source of healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats. I will also purchase extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is considered the highest quality and healthiest type of olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is anti-inflammatory and rich in monounsaturated fats. I use it during cooking and to make dressings.

Herbs and spices

These are critical for turning a simple dish into a much more flavourful and nutritious dish. I have a kitchen garden where I grow lots of different fresh herbs, however at certain times of the year like winter and early spring I don’t have access to them. This is when I have to purchase herbs. I add herbs to at least one or two meals of my daily three, I especially love parsley, chives, coriander, and dill. I am loving making my own anti-inflammatory ginger and turmeric shots at the moment. So my grocery trolley will include fresh ginger and turmeric. Did you also know that spices and herbs, even dried or ground varieties class as one of your 30 plant sources a week?


I don’t drink coffee, however, I love matcha, and black and green tea. I am also partial to herbal teas, my favourites are teas to support sleep, hibiscus tea, peppermint, ginger, nettle, and fennel tea. I love to get a new herbal tea when I’m down the tea aisle in the supermarket. My food shop will also contain almond milk and coconut milk, looking at the labels to make sure they contain minimal ingredients and no added ingredients, such as preservatives, oils, and emulsifiers. I use the plant based milks to make matcha lattes with and to add to smoothies, curries, and soups depending on the time of the year.

Frozen berries

I buy a selection of frozen berries weekly as we use them in smoothies or make a berry compote to top yogurts or porridge with. Frozen berries are picked at the peak of harvest and therefore keep their nutritional status. They make a great addition to your freezer.

Dark chocolate

I always select at least 85% dark chocolate. This is rich in magnesium, iron, zinc, antioxidants and polyphenols. Sometimes I have a square a day depending on the stage of my cycle.

I hope my grocery regulars provide some inspiration for your next food shop. What are your weekly staple grocery items?

Katie xx


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