Reset for summer: Hot lady “glow up”

Social media is awash with hot “girl summer” and “summer glow ups”. Although I’m technically not a “girl”, in all honesty, I’m all for anything that puts the focus on self care and looking after yourself. As a 40-something busy woman and mum, I like anything that reminds me to prioritise my own wellness and self care. Something that often gets a little lost in my fast-paced world.

So maybe a summer glow-up is also for you if you are…

Feeling your skin looking less than glowing.

Feeling a bit urgh.

Feeling far from your best self mind-body-soul.

Not feeling your most energetic self.

Sometimes, we just feel that our glow has vanished. I find that this is usually due to giving too much to the demands of daily busy life and not enough to give back to ourselves.

So here are some of the things I focus on and do to reignite a glow when my spark has vanished. Remember, we are talking about a mind-body-soul glow, not just an external glow:

  1. Ask yourself how you want to feel. Create a vision board and put it somewhere you will see it.

  2. Look after your skin with SPF, cleansing and exfoliation, supplementation (collagen, vitamin C), phytonutrients (berries and colourful food), and protect also from within against sun damage with UV protective foods (tomatoes, watermelon, apricots and greens) Read more here.

  3. Cook your meals mostly from scratch. Reduce processed foods and refined sugar and instead focus on real fresh and seasonal whole foods, providing our cells with the nutrition they need.

  4. Support detoxification with daily body brushing, movement, sweat more, natural skincare free from key chemicals, and reduced alcohol.

  5. Complete a wellness wheel. Where do you need to give more focus in your life for the coming months?

  6. Move daily outside, for example, yoga in the garden, walks in nature or swimming.

  7. Embrace rest in all its forms. Focus on 7-9 hours of sleep, schedule daily restful activities and switch off social media.

A few other glow boosting ideas are:

  • Focus on good gut health-lots of plants, fibre, probiotics (sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yoghurt) and prebiotics (banana, garlic, onion, asparagus, apple, artichoke)

  • Balanced glow bowls full of colourful ingredients

  • Hydration

  • Skincare

  • Time out in nature

  • Listen to yourself and ask very simply “what do I need.”

  • Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption

  • Allow time to daydream

  • Read to either escape or be inspired

  • Worry less

Just to finish, I like to ask myself three key things every morning that help to start my day with intention and help me work on habits, rituals and routines that guide me towards being my best “glowing self”.

I ask myself:

  1. What can I do for myself today?

  2. What can I do for my future self today?

  3. What am I grateful for today?

Happy summer!

Much love,

Katie xx

DISCLAIMER: This journal is for information only and does not constitute or include any advice of any nature whatsoever. No reliance should be placed on the information or opinions in this journal. The reader should carry out their own research and consult with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


Skin focus: Nutrition to support glowing healthy summer skin


Smoothie season: How to build a balanced nutrient dense smoothie