Rituals: Sauna do’s and don’ts

Saunas have become very fashionable in the last couple of years. However, I remember over twenty years ago training as a spa therapist educating my clients on the benefits of hot and cold therapy. Sauna use has been used for hundreds of years to promote relaxation and detoxification. There are so many potential benefits of using the sauna from stress reduction, to improved circulation, muscle relaxation, and skin health. There are certain individuals for whom the sauna may not be beneficial these include for example those with certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, low blood sugar, or certain skin conditions and pregnant women. Always check with your Dr before embarking on sauna use if you are taking medication or have a medical condition.

This spring I have formed new weekend rituals around using the sauna. The sauna I visit is out in nature and also has the benefit of additional cold therapy. My trips have become a treasured activity in which I can escape, relax, and unwind in the benefits of heat therapy.

Sauna etiquette

I love the community feel of where I go to the sauna, however, as the sauna is a communal space I feel it’s important to remember that people go for individual reasons. Some go with friends and use it as a catch-up, others go to unwind and relax. Therefore it’s important to respect and be mindful of those around you. Here are some guidelines I think are important:

1. Shower before - It's important to clean your body before entering the sauna to remove any dirt, oils, or lotions.

2. Use a towel - Sitting on a towel in the sauna helps maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the sauna.

3. Lower your voice - Saunas are a relaxing space. Minimise conversations and speak softly to respect others using the sauna.

4. Be considerate to others - Some may feel intimidated in this kind of environment. Be aware of how others may be feeling and give space to them and privacy. I for one can at times feel uncomfortable while using the sauna.

Pre sauna

The following tips may help you make the most out of your sauna experience:

1. Reduce caffeine intake

The sauna can increase the heart rate, as can caffeine. Save the caffeine intake pre sauna or reduce it and swap your coffee for green tea which is lower in caffeine.

2. What to eat

I like to make sure my blood sugars are well balanced before entering the sauna. I eat something that will support my energy through the session including fibre, protein and healthy fats. I also like to include foods high in water content, for example, watermelon, strawberries, cucumber, oranges, or grapefruit.

3. Hydrate

Drink a couple of glasses of water pre sauna session to support the water loss you are about to experience with the heat therapy.

4. Cleanse

It’s important to thoroughly cleanse your skin, including your face pre sauna. This helps to remove any dirt or lotion and provides clean skin ready for detoxification. I like to do a face and body scrub before going into the sauna. I also body brush to further reap the detoxification benefits of the sauna. If I’m feeling like I need a little extra pamper, I pop a hair mask in and allow the heat to penetrate the mask deeper.

Post sauna

1. Rinse

After your sauna session, take a cool shower or cold plunge to rinse and get the added cold therapy benefits. This is incredibly invigorating and also refreshes the skin by closing the pores after the heat.

2. Hydrate

Drink plenty of water after the sauna to replenish fluids lost through sweating. You could add electrolytes to your water to replenish important minerals lost such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Coconut water is another great electrolyte rich drink.

3. Rest and relax

Don’t rush after your sauna experience. Take your time to relax after your session. Let your body adjust to the normal temperature while reaping the rewards from the sauna heat. Enjoy a slower nervous system.

4. Refuel

Nourish bowls full of nutrient dense ingredients are the perfect post sauna fuel. They help to continue the feeling of being refreshed and feeling good post sauna.

5. Stretch or meditate

Post sauna is an excellent time to enjoy a massage while the muscles are nice and relaxed. You may also wish to do a little stretching or yoga or do some meditation to extend the feeling of relaxation.

Do you like the sauna? Is it part of your health and wellness rituals?

Katie xx

DISCLAIMER: This journal is for information only and does not constitute or include any advice of any nature whatsoever. No reliance should be placed on the information or opinions in this journal. The reader should carry out their own research and consult with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


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